Graz 2016 | Strasbourg 2013 | Zurich 2011 | Bremen 2008 | Vienna 2006 | Amsterdam 2004 | Essen 2002


The festival and its facets

Festival Flutes of Europe – Flutes of the World 2013

The festival Flûtes d’Europe – Flûtes du Monde 2013 in Strasbourg was a great success!

It was the first time that an ERPS biennial was held in France. We thank ERTA France and the Conservatoire de Strasbourg for the wonderful cooperation!

Our members were just as actively involved through concerts, master classes and lectures as renowned French musicians. As always at an ERPS Biennial, young players just starting their career also found a podium.

The festival was very well attended – participants came from France, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Austria, Spain, Norway, Denmark…

The concerts attracted many visitors from the city of Strasbourg. The children’s concerts were organised in cooperation with schools in Strasbourg and ERTA Germany.

Reports on the festival have been published on French radio and television and in German and French trade magazines.

The aim of the ERPS to promote and strengthen communication and the network of active recorder players in Europe across borders was achieved on several levels.




FRANKREICH – Straßburg 2013

Festival “FLÛTES d’EUROPE – FLÛTES du Monde”

18 – 20 October 2013 at the Strasbourg Conservatory

Two organisations, ERPS as a European organisation and ERTA from France, jointly organised this festival, combining their expertise and ideas.

Flûtes d’ Europe: Concerts and courses have highlighted the unique history of the recorder in Europe; its repertoire, the variety of expression and styles, as well as instrument making. In Strasbourg, the heart of Europe, Franco-German friendship plays a prominent role. This relationship is of course also reflected in the music: not only in the Baroque period – but obviously there – French musicians composed in the German style and vice versa.

Flûtes du monde: European music – including that for recorder – has been enriched in the course of music history and obviously also in modern times by the opening up to non-European music. The influence of Asian, Arab and African music is essential – this was also a focal point in the Biennale program.

The choice of the city of Strasbourg to host the 2013 Biennale was motivated by the desire to find a place that has a European character and plays an important role in Franco-German friendship. As a city close to the border, Strasbourg has an ideal geographical location in itself. The border between Germany and France and other countries such as Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium are not far away.

Strasbourg is a European city par excellence because of its history and the political organisations based here. It is the ideal location for this festival, organised by a European and a French organisation.


Concert „Traité de l´Elysée“ mit Hugo Reyne und André Henrichs

Concert „World Music“ mit Pierre Hamon

Quartet „La Merula“/ Zürich – Quintett „Brouillamini“/ Lyon

Celtic music: Emmanuel Lemare

moderne music: Julien Feltrin – Anne-Suse Enssle u. Philip Lambrecht

Arabic Music in Europe: Caroline Mayrhofer und Hossam Mahmoud

Concerts for children (in French and German) with Marion Fermé

Open Stage

Here everyone was invited to become active on stage.

Professional players, amateurs, students and pupils from all over Europe took part.



Exhibition of flute makers and music publishers from France, Germany, England, Italy, Switzerland, Norway.

A guided tour of the exhibition for pupils, students and interested adults was well received.

Lectures and courses

French music of the Renaissance and Baroque (Hugo Reyne)

Modern music (Patrick Blanc and Lucia Mense)

Ornaments of the traditional celtic flutes (Emmanuel Lemarre)

Flageolet and Czakan – the recorder in the 19th century (Hugo Reyne)

Innovations in recorder making – presentations of the instrument makers (Adriana Breukink, Andreas Küng, Guido Hulsens)

Arab culture and its influence on European music (Lucia Mense)


Large ensemble for pupils, students and lovers of ensemble playing – preparation of the Renaissance Ball

(Eva M. Schieffer, Renata Duarte)

Renaissance Ball (Hubert Hazebrouk, Patrick Blanc)

The festival and its facets 2013

All events will be bilingual!


Concert of the students of the Conservatoire Strasbourg

Quartet “La Merula”/ Zurich – Quintet “Brouillamini”/ Lyon

Celtic music: Emmanuel Lemare

Modern music: Julien Feltrin – Anne-Suse Enssle and Philip Lambrecht

“Traité de l’Elysée”: Pierre Hamon – Hugo Reyne

Arabic Music in Europe: Caroline Mayrhofer and the Ensemble Al Andalus

Concerts for children (in French and German) with Marion Fermé

Open stage

Here everyone is invited to become active on stage!

The open stage is offered on Saturday (mainly for pupils and students) and Sunday afternoon (for everyone). – Registration requested.


Exhibition of flute makers and music publishers on all three days of the festival

Guided tour of the exhibition on Friday, 18.10.13, 17 hrs for pupils, students and interested adults

Lectures and courses

French music of the Renaissance and Baroque

Modern music

Ornaments of the traditional celtic flutes

Flageolet and Czakan – the recorder in the 19th century


Large ensemble for pupils, students and lovers of ensemble playing

ERPS General Assembly

on Sunday, 20.10.13 at 12 o’clock

Start and end of the festival

The festival starts on Friday, 18.10.13 at 15 o’clock and ends on Sunday, 20.10.12 at 16 o’clock with the end of the 2nd open stage.



This festival is a place

  • a meeting at European level of professional musicians and lovers of the recorder
  • the exchange of knowledge and ideas
  • the discovery and rediscovery of the recorder for a wide audience

One of the outstanding events of the festival will therefore be a concert on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty, with the participation of well-known soloists from France and Germany.




Festival Européen de flûte à bec

Conservatoire de Strasbourg du 18 au 20 octobre 2013

Conçu pour un large public, ce festival s´adresse tant aux amateurs qu´aux élèves et étudiants de flûtes à bec qu´aux concertistes confirmés, les concerts eux sont ouverts à tous. Avec 7 concerts dont des concerts pour enfants, des masterclasses et conférences, un bal renaissance commenté et accompagné par des ensembles de flûtes, une grande exposition internationale de facteurs de flûtes à bec et traverso ainsi que d´éditeurs ce festival offre à tous l´occasion de découvertes, de rencontres et de moments musicaux inoubliables. En outre, grâce aux deux scènes ouvertes, ce festival offre la possibilité à ceux qui le souhaitent de se présenter sur scène.

Flûtes d´Europe- Flûtes du monde est organisé conjointement par ERPS et ERTA France avec la participation de ERTA Deutschland et le soutien de la ville de la ville de Strasbourg et du Conservatoire.

Vous pouvez télécharger le programme complet en cliquant ici.




Vendredi 18 octobre

14:30 Concert pour les jeunes et les moins jeunes

«Alma et les flûtes magiques» / Marion Fermé

15:00 Ouverture du festival et accueil des participants

17:00 Ouverture de l’exposition

Visite guidée pour les élèves, les étudiants et toutes personnes intéressées

18:00 Concert apéritif par les étudiants du Conservatoire de Strasbourg

20:30 Quintett «Brouillamini» (Lyon) / Pierre Hamon

Samedi 19 octobre

9:00 Ouverture de l’exposition

9:00-10:00 «Grands ensembles de flûte à bec» Préparation du bal renaissance Eva Maria Schieffer/ Patrick Blanc et Renata Duarte

9:45-11:15 «Bal renaissance commenté» /Patrick Blanc

ouvert à tous

9:30-10:30 Conférence : La flûte à bec au XIXème siècle/ Hugo Reyne

11:30 Concert «Musique celtique»/Emmanuel Lemare

14:00-15:30 Masterclass de Musique contemporaine

Patrick Blanc et Lucia Mense

14:00-14:45 Concert pour les jeunes et les moins jeunes en allemand

«Alma und die magischen Flöten» / Marion Fermé

14:30-16:00 Masterclass : Ornements dans la musique traditionelle

pour flûte celtique de Bretagne, d’Ecosse et du Pays de Galles

Emmanuel Lemarre

16:00-17:00 Première Scène Ouverte (inscription obligatoire)

17:00-18:30 Concert de Musique contemporaine «Points of Contact»

Julien Feltrin ainsi qu’avec Anne Suse Enssle et Philippe Lambert

20:30 Concert Musique de l’Europe de l’Est/«La Merula» (Zurich)

Concert «Traité de l’Elysée» / Musique allemande – musique française

Hugo Reyne et Thomas Dunford

Dimanche 20 octobre

9:00 Ouverture de l’exposition

9:00-10:45 Masterclass : Musique baroque française / Hugo Reyne

9:30- 10:30 Nouveautés dans la facture instrumentale

Présentation des facteurs de flûte à bec

11:00 Concert «L’influence arabe»

Caroline Mayrhofer et son Ensemble «Al Andalus»

12:00 Assemblée générale de l ’ERPS e.V.

14:00 Deuxième Scène Ouverte (inscription obligatoire)