§ 1 Association name

The name of the association is “European Recorder Players Society ERPS”.

After registration in the register of associations, it will bear the addition “e.V.”, i.e. “European Recorder Players Society ERPS e.V.”.

The seat of the association is Hannover.

The financial year runs from 1.11. – 31.10. of each year.


§ 2 Purpose of the association

The association exclusively and directly pursues charitable purposes in the sense of the section “tax-privileged purposes” of the German Fiscal Code. The purpose of the association is the promotion of Europe-wide cooperation between recorder players of different fields of activity and playing levels. An event taking place every two years (“Biennale”) is intended as a meeting place for recorder players from all over Europe to exchange experiences. The Biennale is a mixture of workshops and concerts. The association promotes the exchange between the generations and the discussion of practical performance questions.

The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.

The association’s funds may only be used for the purposes set forth in the statutes. No person may be favoured by tasks that are alien to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration.

The members of the association do not receive any shares in profits and in their capacity as members no other benefits from the association’s funds.


§ 3 Budget and finances

The funds necessary for the fulfilment of the association’s purpose are financed from

Membership fees and income from the assets of the association,

donations, other benefits and income,

project funds from the public sector,

earmarked funds.

The members pay membership fees, the amount and due date of which are decided by the general meeting.

The European Recorder Players Society ERPS e.V. pays to the organization/team hosting the Biennial the entrance fee for the participating members, but not exceeding the credit balance of the European Recorder Players Society ERPS e.V.



§ 4 Organs of the association

The organs of the association are the board and the general meeting.


§ 5 Boars members

The executive committee in the sense of § 26 BGB consists of 4 members, who are elected by the general meeting. These are president, one deputy, treasurer, secretary.

Two members of the board, but always the president or deputy, represent the association to the outside world.

The board of directors is appointed by the general meeting for the duration of one year and remains in office until the next board of directors is appointed in accordance with the statutes.

The executive committee can be extended by further persons, who are responsible for certain areas of expertise, but do not represent the association externally.

The executive committee conducts the business of the association within the framework of the statutes and the decisions of the general meeting.

In addition, the board draws up the budget, an action plan, the annual report and the annual financial statement.

The members of the board may receive an appropriate expense allowance.


§ 6 Membership

Any recorder player can become an active member.

Registration is online via the homepage of the European Recorder Players SOciety ERPS e.V.

There are active members and supporting members. Active members are, apart from the founding members, those natural persons who actively participate in the association. They have active and passive voting rights in the general meeting. All natural and legal persons, societies, associations, companies and organisations who are prepared to support the purposes of the association financially can become supporting members. They do not have the right to vote in the general meeting, but may participate.

The executive committee decides on the application for admission of active and supporting members. Withdrawal must be declared in writing to the Executive Board with quarterly notice.

A member can be excluded from the association if he or she has grossly violated the statutes or the interests of the association. The general meeting decides on the exclusion with a simple majority after hearing the member.

The ordinary general meeting takes place once a year. The Board of Directors convenes the meeting by invitation by e-mail or, on request, by letter post with a notice period of three weeks, announcing the agenda, whereby the sending of an e-mail to the last e-mail address notified to the Board of Directors is sufficient. The general meeting always has a quorum if it has been duly invited to do so, with the exception of the cases specifically defined in the statutes. The supporting members have the right to participate, but no voting rights.

If one third of all members of the association apply for an extraordinary general meeting, the executive committee is obliged to convene the meeting with a notice period of 14 days as well as an indication of the agenda.

The General Assembly of Members passes its resolutions with a simple majority of the members present, unless the statutes stipulate otherwise. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the casting vote; amendments to the statutes require a two-thirds majority.

The minutes of the general meeting are prepared and signed by a secretary elected at the beginning of the general meeting.

Members have free access to the Biennale and can present themselves on the homepage of the European Recorder Players Society ERPS e.V. The European Recorder Players Society ERPS e.V. periodically sends out newsletters with information from members (concerts, workshops, instruments etc.)


§ 7 Tasks of the general meeting

The general meeting has the following tasks in particular:

Election of the executive committee,

Election of other bodies such as: secretary, auditor, etc.,

passing resolutions on amendments to the statutes,

Acceptance of the annual report and discharge of the executive committee,

Resolution on amendments to the Articles of Association,

Advising the Management Board on matters of fundamental importance.

The general meeting is chaired by the president or the deputy president.


§ 8 Quorum / Decision-making

The executive committee is quorate if 2/3 of its members are present.

The general meeting always has a quorum if it has been duly invited and the statutes do not stipulate otherwise.

Resolutions of the organs are passed by simple majority, subject to deviating regulations in the statutes. In the event of a tie, the vote of the chairman(s) shall be decisive.

The dissolution of the association can only be decided in a special general meeting convened for this purpose. A majority of 2/3 of the members present and entitled to vote is required for the resolution of dissolution.


§ 9 Entitlement to claim

In the event of dissolution of the Association, the assets shall be transferred to a corporation recognised as tax-privileged, which – if possible – shall use them for similar charitable purposes. It is determined by the board of directors in agreement with the general meeting.


Geändert in Amsterdam am 31. 10. 2004