The ERPS is a Europe-wide network of players, recorder makers, dealers and publishers. The aim is to promote professional exchange and the meeting of recorder players from different fields and playing levels.
The International Recorder Biennale is an exciting forum for professional players, exhibitors, recorder enthusiasts and music lovers from all over Europe. The main services of the non-profit association are the website with presentation of concerts, announcements, a regular association newsletter and free participation in the recorder biennials and in the competitions organised by the ERPS. Our social media channels also offer a platform for exchange and promote dialogue, especially among the younger generation.
The ERPS sees itself as a complement and network to the existing national and regional recorder organisations. In addition to their work, the ERPS would like to establish a Europe-wide network that offers recorder players of all levels, amateurs, professional musicians, teachers and students a forum for mutual exchange and music-making. It serves as a platform to get to know and appreciate the various trends and styles of the European recorder scene. The International Recorder Biennale is an exciting forum for professional players, exhibitors, recorder enthusiasts and music lovers from all over Europe.
Further information under About us!